Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Let's make downtown Cheyenne a destination

A story appeared in the local media recently about the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce working to bring commuter rail service to Cheyenne.
First of all, let me say congratulationsto Chamber CEO and President Dale Steenburgen and his group for their hard work. 
There is two ways to look at this. 
One is this is a way to take money out of our local economy
as this will be an easy way
A map outlining contributor Sears' plan for downtown
for those weekend shoppers to leave and spend their money elsewhere and bring them and their purchases back home safely. 
As of now, you have to ask yourself: Does Cheyenne have the attractions and the infrastructure, outside of those 10 days in July for Frontier Days, to sustain people coming to Cheyenne for the day of shopping and dining? 
I don't think so. But I like the forward thinking of Steenburgen and the Chamber. 
The second way to see this, and the way I choose to see it, is as a positive, although a little premature. But it is still a positive, pointing to this as an outstanding time to create something special in Cheyenne. 
It's time to start discussing the option of making downtown Cheyenne a destination. 
This could tie in beautifully with Mayor Marian Orr last year announcing a study to close off streets to create a Capital Complex. I like her thought process, but I would adjust it to stimulate more economic growth. Why not make downtown Cheyenne a destination for our neighbors to the south?
This is the concept I would execute if I were a part of the powers to be:
n Close off 15th and 17th Streets with the exception of the north/south streets through 17th.
n Any event on the plaza would be expanded down 15th Street. 
n On 15th Street you should have theme weekends. Street Musician weekend, where every corner has a different street musician with a main stage. Founders weekend with actors telling stories of how Cheyenne use to be. That would be a great weekend to utilize the Gunslingers. On parade days during CFD, 15th Street should be lined with chuckwagons cooking their best. This keeps people downtown shopping. During the winter months we could have a chili cookoff, and closer to Christmas have a Kettle Corn and Carolers weekend. 
n Set up "Pre-Trip" and a "Post-Trip" weekends to bookend the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and bring in more of that traffic. You would need to incorporate WYDOT and SDDOT and keep a focus on the bikers traveling safely while having fun during their stay in Cheyenne. 
n The Capital Complex would not have any closed-off streets, but it would be an important element in the overall project with three large lots for events. 
n This also should be tied into the West Edge project. Provide trolley or hay rides to connect all three projects.   
Again, I am not a part of the City Council or the Chamber. I own a few businesses in city limits, but my home is in the county. There would be lots of obstacles to this plan, but they all are possible to overcome. 
I hope this conversation continues about whatever direction Downtown Cheyenne and the Chamber decide to go. This could happen, and it would change the trajectory of our economy and community. 
I believe in the philosophy of Napoleon Hill, "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” 
Let’s get started now.
Steve Sears is a small businessman and entrepreneur in Cheyenne. He recently opened Elevate Group Training Studios at 1408A E 13th St.

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