Tuesday, November 19, 2019

They say, "Follow the money." If you want to know about Cheyenne's City Hall, follow the vouchers


I always told people that the secrets to city government are in the vouchers. 
Of course, the vouchers were like a treasure map, trying to find out where to start. It pretty much boiled down to this: You could see the expenditure, but not what is what for. It was usually just a business name or an expense on a Visa card. 
When you’d ask what it was for, staff would scramble, sigh and always tell you they would get back
to you. Of course, the public would never hear the answer. 
The previous administration started asking me to forward my questions in advance so they could be answered since I went through the vouchers on Sundays. A logical request to come up with a better lie. 
The new administration was the worst in regards to getting info. When council was told it had to submit Freedom of Information Act requests, it was just one more reason I left the City Council. 
In the past year, it was learned that the council couldn’t vote "no" on vouchers. Damn, I voted no more than I voted yes. After no one could answer the questions about expenditures, I just voted that no one would get paid. 
Earlier this year the city had a signed a contract, and council pulled the voucher and realized it was powerless to vote no against it. The city attorney said that all this time council members never really had the power to vote against these expenditures. 
Then there was an ordinance change in August to make revenues over a certain amount appear on the agenda. I keep waiting for the legitimate media to look into why this ordinance change really took place. The only answer I get from the affected party is, “It’s a strange city we live in!”
Here is the question I asked the City Council: What are your thoughts on the recent changes to revenues and vouchers? Thank you to all who replied.
“Well, we cannot not pay vouchers, so it cuts out five minutes in the meeting, and I like the reports on where revenue is at on a biweekly basis. It’s easier to keep track of where we are at in the revenue vs budget process. And I don't have to hunt down the numbers.”
“I don't like it, but we have been told that we do not and did not have the ability to deny a voucher. “
“I helped Council President Rocky Case draft the ordinance for revenues to come before the council. I agree with City Attorney Mike O’Donnell that we don't have authority to disapprove vouchers absent a legal dispute as to the validity of the claim. I don't think we should formally take action on either.” 
“The new opinion on vouchers is why I think it's imperative that the council take more ownership over the contract approval process. Once it is approved, we're out of the equation now.”
“Apparently, right now, the mayor can do whatever the hell she wants with no consequences.”
“I support more oversight but don’t think we need micromanage the staff.”
“I agree with the opinion from the city attorney that we have to pay our bills and so for council to hold that up is a mistake. I like that revenues are now something that's going to be on the regular agenda. You should know that the city is going to Open Book, which I've recommended for years. This will allow every citizen to see every financial transaction the city engages in. FTC has this on their public website, and I’m told we're going to be in the next couple of months. I remember going to former City Treasurer Lois Huff when I first came on, and she said we couldn't do this. One of the obstacles was that our website was so antiquated it couldn't accommodate the software. But now that we're updating the website, it will.”
I guess one question is; Could micromanaging save an employee’s job? It’s a toxic environment at the city, and this is why checks and balances are needed. Lest we forget that she who holds the gold, makes the rules.

Richard Johnson is a former City Council member from Cheyenne’s east side. 

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